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It’s Time to Take Action!

Business Owners and CEOs: Improve Your Productivity

& Profits with the 51 Errors Workbooks

Jim Muehlhausen

Written for business owners by
international author Jim Muehlhausen

book includes a live coaching session to
implement the concepts in the workbook

All 5 Workbooks Business Model Secrets Online Course
All 5 Workbooks from the 51
Errors Series- 98/2 Delegation, Quantum Thinking, Creating a Performance Culture, Operations Planning and Systemization, and Decisive Leadership. Each workbook includes 90 minutes of live coaching (7.5 hours total).



98/2 Delegation
Use this
proprietary technique to effectively
delegate. It doesn’t matter if delegation
has frustrated you in the past. This
workbook will change how you delegate
forever. Workbook includes certificate good
for 90 minutes of live coaching.



Operations Planning

Learn how to systematize
your business. Workbook includes certificate
good for 90 minutes of live coaching.


Creating a Performance
Learn how to create a
corporate culture of high performance.
Workbook includes certificate good for 90
minutes of live coaching.


Decisive Leadership
Learn how to become a more
powerful leader. No worthless theories in
this workbook. Instead, this workbook
demonstrates actual techniques to improve
your leadership abilities. Workbook includes
certificate good for 90 minutes of live

Quantum Thinking
Learn to dramatically improve your business by thinking more
radically. Workbook includes certificate
good for 90 minutes of live coaching.