Preview the MBO Program


Join business owners around the country for a live bootcamp “Creating a Proven and Repeatable Sales Process.” (PRSP)

Who should attend?

  • Companies that need more sales
  • Companies that are frustrated with their sales force
  • Companies that need more predictability in the sales process
  • Companies that need more leads

Watch our free mini-workshop


University of CEO Boot camps

  • Not just learn, DO
  • Expert-lead group of business owners doing it with each other
  • Workbook-based exercises
  • Leave with a better business, not just knowledge

Boot camp Preview

  • Learn why your best salespeople can sell, not just how
  • Learn what’s missing from your existing sales. Hint: it’s always one thing
  • Create a blueprint to fix it
  • Create a basic SalesMap and Proven Sales Process for your company
  • Leverage our cheat sheet – 5 real-world PRSP to steal ideas
  • If you are brave, learn how to use your PRSP to cut your sales cost by 20% or more


  • Business owners and their guests only

Boot camp details

  • Tuesday April 24th
  • 8am – 11:30am
  • Check your local chapter for location
  • Cost $199 per company (2 attendees maximum)